Legs & CArdio
Step ups, Db Hamstring Curls, Pulsing Lunges, Jump Squats, Cardio, and More!
Db Narrow Goblet Squats, Hip Bridges, Sumo Squats, Dead Lifts, Step Back Lunges and more!
Biceps & Triceps
Db Hammer Curls, Jumping Jacks, BB Curls, Plate Overhead Extensions, Curb Stomps and More!
Lying DB Curls, DB Overhead Ext, Alt Hammer Curls, Band Kick Backs, DB Skull Crushers and More!
Abs & CArdio
Banded Bicycle Crunches, Inchworms, Burpees, Cocoon Crunches and More!
BB Situps, Reverse Crunches, Cardio, High Knees, Banded Bicycle Crunches, Battle Ropes and More!
Chest, Back & CArdio
Burpee Bear Crawl, DB Fly, DB Push Press, DB Rows, Curl and Press and More!
DB Rows, DB Pull Overs, Push Ups, DB Bench Press, DB Push Press, Renagaed Rows and More!